Monday, October 25, 2010

Shabby isn't Chic!

When was the last time you looked around your office with a critical eye? It may be time to take down those 1980s drapes and silk flowers, and put on a new vibe with cool paints. It doesn't take much to bring your office up to date, but when you fail to do it you look like you are "Stuck in the Past."

Your office reception room should look sharp and up to date, and give the feeling of a comfortable room in your home -- good lighting, good reading, and a sense of friendliness.

[This post has moved to our new blog on -- click here to read the rest of this story and follow our blog in its new location.]

Saturday, October 9, 2010

What Makes a Practice Great?

This post has moved to our new blog location ( -- read it by clicking this link.